How can I get involved?

  • Give financially. We depend on donations to host events, cover travel expenses, host this website, etc. All donations are tax-deductible and go directly to support efforts connected to the Uyghur crisis. Nobody involved with the project receives any salary or compensation from these donations.
  • Attend an advocacy event or prayer gathering.
  • Since the passage of the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act, The Coalition to End Forced Labour in the Uyghur Region is currently the best resource to identify actions that you can take to make a difference. See the Take Action link below.
  • The Uyghur Human Rights Project also maintains a very helpful page with quick links to other actions you may take. Their link is also listed below.

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The following content is adapted from Darren Byler’s
Action List on his website Living Otherwise, the Uyghur Human Right’s Project’s What You Can Do webpage, as well as some additional content from the Silk Road Peace Project. Last updated: Feb., 2022

1. Get your group to endorse the global campaign for fashion brands to end complicity in Uyghur forced labor. The "Call to Action" on human rights abuses in the Uyghur Region in the apparel and textiles sector is supported to date by 250+ trade unions, investors, NGOs, Uyghur groups, and faith-based groups.  Organizations can endorse here >>>

2. Sign these petitions:
a. Read Rahima Mahmut's story. Stand with Rahima and add your name here: Free Uyghur Muslims from forced labor
b. Uyghur folklore professor Rahile Dawut— Call for her release.

3. Teach the Crisis The Xinjiang Documentation Project at the University of British Columbia hosts the premiere archive of evidence-based tools for teaching the crisis. In addition to timelines, infographics, a lexicon of terms, primary source documents, and scholarship, they also provide lesson plans and teaching guides.